USE: Multi-family dwelling (4 units)
OWNER: Marquitta Walker
ORDERS: September 2002, for defective plumbing lines, restroom ventilation, flooring and floor structure, sinks, electric fixtures, interior paint, water damage, plaster, windows, roof, and gutters and downspouts. Ordered vacated and barricaded in January 2004. The owner went into bankruptcy, and the building eventually was lost to the bank. It was again ordered vacated and barricaded in June 2007.
CONDEMNED: January 2009, adding extreme rubbish and the removal of mechanicals. A criminal case was filed in January 2009, but was dismissed a month later after an inability to serve summons. Orders reissued to a new owner in February 2011. By October 2011, the property had been forfeited to the State.
HAZARD: January 2012. In March 2012, the back wall collapsed. The current owner acquired the property in August 2012.
REASON RAZED: Declared a public nuisance and entered into the City's hazard abatement program.