Three years ago:
- The Avondale Community Council, Uptown Consortium, and the Cincinnati Police Department won a $15,000 Neighborhood Revitalization Award from the MetLife Foundation and Local Initiatives Support Corporation of Greater Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky for it community-police partnerships, which helped reduce crime and spur redevelopment.
- Cincinnati City Council approved an ordinance to transfer federal HOME funding into an account for Forest Square, a 21-unit affordable infill project for senior citizens.
- Ohio was awarded $1.8 million in federal economic stimulus funding from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for its Brownfield Revolving Loan Fund Program.
- Cincinnati City Council approved two ordinances that were necessary for the state to proceed with work on the $664 million I-75 Mill Creek Expressway project.
- The Society of St. Vincent de Paul purchased a vacant Mount Washington building for $1.05 million, ending a two-year period during which the building's developers could not lure tenants to the new 10,000-square-foot structure.
- A Linwood house whose owners had died was razed by the City.