Friday, May 25, 2012

Three NKY cities award best in preservation

The 2012 River Cities Preservation Awards were given out yesterday evening at the Sanctuary Event Center in Newport.

Part of National Preservation Month, the annual awards ceremony acknowledges outstanding preservation people and projects in the three Northern Kentucky Certified Local Government* cities of Bellevue, Covington, and Newport during the 2011 calendar year.

Bellevue winners include:

In Covington:
And in Newport:
Located at 417 E 6th Street, the venue itself is a former preservation award winner recipient, receiving an award for Adaptive Reuse in 2009.

NOTE: Administered by the National Park Service and each state's historic preservation office, the Certified Local Government Program is a preservation partnership between local, state and national governments focused on promoting historic preservation at the grassroots level.

Previous reading on BC:
Northern Kentucky cities honor best in preservation (6/1/10)
Covington HPO seeks nominations for River Cities awards (3/31/10)
River Cities Preservation Awards next Wednesday (5/14/09)
Covington accepting nominations for preservation awards (3/14/08)