Friday, August 2, 2013

Wrecking Cincinnati: 3843 Herron Ave

NEIGHBORHOOD: South Cumminsville
USE: Single-family dwelling
OWNER: Chester and Mary Bush
ORDERS: October 2011, for exterior steps, porch, guardrails, exterior paint, cornice, gutters and downspouts. A civil fine was issued in April 2012. Owners told City inspectors that the bank was taking the house.
CONDEMNED: May 2012, adding a lack of utility service and an overgrown lot. A civil fine was issued in July 2012, and a criminal case was repaired but never filed.
HAZARD: October 2012, adding missing and broken windows, water damage, and a defective roof and chimney.
REASON RAZED: Declared a public nuisance and entered into the City's hazard abatement program. Demolished using Moving Ohio Forward project funding.