The money will be spent to build a retaining wall behind the residences between 1815 and 1855 Walker Street, which began slipping due to an absentee landlord's burst water pipe and a Metropolitan Sewer District project on the adjacent Alma Street, causing damage to sewer lines, decks, and backyards of multiple properties.
Residents will repay the City through property assessments based upon street frontage, which will be payable over 30 years. The City will pay 2 percent of the cost.
Construction will begin by the end of September.
The City began to look into assessments for the retaining wall following an August 2009 motion and obtained the property easements to perform the work and passed a resolution of support on June 26.
Each affected property owner was given notice of the proposed assessment, and no objections were filed.
Previous reading on BC:
Walker St retaining wall, landslide problem to be addressed (7/12/13)
Council adopts motion to help Walker Street (8/18/09)
Walker Street residents submit petition for retaining wall (8/3/09)
Walker Street property owners still awaiting action on retaining wall (6/16/09)
Walker Street residents craft petition (5/5/09)