Monday, July 22, 2013

Wrecking Cincinnati: 2280 Harrison Ave

USE: Multi-family dwelling (36 units)
OWNER: Hopewell Holdings LLC (Sheffield Lake, OH)
ORDERS: August 2007, for a non-functioning toilet and exterior doors. A civil fine was issued in December 2007. In January 2008, orders were issued for litter, insect and rodent infestation, a defective water heater and no hot water, paint and wallpaper, smoke detectors, and exterior doors. One month later, it was discovered that tenants were using space heaters for heat. Some tenants were relocated that April. Orders were issued for exterior doors and windows in August 2008. In February 2009, another civil fine was issued. The buildings were ordered vacated and barricaded in June 2009, adding electrical damage and missing downspouts. Orders were reissued to a new owner in April 2010.
CONDEMNED: June 2010. A criminal case was filed in November 2010, and diversion was granted nine months later. Some work was done. In June 2012, the owner told City inspectors that the property was "rock solid" but that financial markets were tight, so a full rehabilitation would have to wait.
HAZARD: February 2013, due to missing and vandalized mechanical systems, severe interior vandalism, missing downspouts, exterior paint, missing and broken windows, high weeds and litter. Tax delinquent.
REASON RAZED: Declared a public nuisance and entered into the City's hazard abatement program. Demolished using Moving Ohio Forward program funding.