Cincinnati City Council on May 15 declared its intent to appropriate 75 parcels totaling nearly five acres in real property and easements for the West Martin Luther King Drive Improvement Project, scheduled to begin in 2015.
The $11.3 million project, of which $5 million will be used for right-of-way acquisition, will smooth the S-curve and improve sight lines between McMicken and Dixmyth avenues and will add additional center-turn capability. Other improvements will include wider lanes, a bicycle side path, new pedestrian islands at Clifton Avenue, and upgraded traffic signals.
Eighty percent of the project cost is provided through Federal Highway Administration Surface Transportation Program funds, administered by the Ohio Department of Transportation and disbursed by the Ohio-Kentucky-Indiana Regional Council of Governments. The 20 percent local match will be provided from City capital funds.
The recommended alternative was chosen in early 2011 as a solution to safety and capacity issues along the roadway between McMicken and Clifton avenues. Between 2008 and 2010, more than 330 crashes were reported along the corridor.
Previous reading on BC:
City to apply for grant for one of two bike lane projects (3/3/13)
Preferred alternative unveiled for W MLK road project (2/7/11)
Cincinnati to enter LPA with ODOT on MLK project (11/19/09)
Cincinnati taking action on roadway improvements (11/3/09)
Monday, June 3, 2013
City will appropriate nearly 5 acres for W MLK project
Posted by Kevin LeMaster at 2:00 PM