NEIGHBORHOOD: Camp Washington
USE: Single-family dwelling
OWNER: Floyd Chambers
ORDERS: December 2010, ordered vacated and barricaded, citing damaged siding and an unsafe side porch, in addition to windows, exterior paint, soffit, cornice, gutters and downspouts. A civil fine was issued in March 2011. A second civil fine was issued in July 2011. By December 2011, it was discovered that the owner was in a nursing home with Alzheimer's and there was a rumored family dispute over the property.
CONDEMNED: February 2012, adding roof failure, water damage, missing doors, masonry and foundation damage, and lack of utility service and mechanicals. By December 2012, squatters had taken up residence in the home.
HAZARD: August 2012.
REASON RAZED: Declared a public nuisance and entered into the City's hazard abatement program. Demolished using Moving Ohio Forward program funding.