Five items appear on the agenda of the Cincinnati City Planning Commission's next meeting, to be held tomorrow morning at 9 A.M. on the seventh floor of Centennial Two, located Downtown at 805 Central Avenue.
The agenda includes reports and recommendations on:
- A plat of subdivision record plat for dunnhumby Centre, located at Fifth and Race streets Downtown.
- Utility easements for Duke Energy to service the new Fire Station No. 35, currently under construction at 2487 Harrison Avenue in Westwood.
- The sale of three slivers of land at 3556 Dawson Avenue and 3600 Roll Avenue in South Cumminsville, which will be added to 8.1 acres on which Truckway Leasing and Rental plans to expand its business. The company will add 25 new jobs and retain 85 positions.
- The relocation of Fifth Third Bank's drive-through ATM at 6057 Montgomery Road in Pleasant Ridge, which currently operates as a non-conforming use and is subject to review under the terms of Interim Development Control Overlay District No. 69.
- A zoning change at 3630 and 3634 Boudinot Avenue in Westwood from single-family to office use, which will allow owner Grace Lutheran Church to rent one building for office use and demolish the other for a parking lot. The Westwood Civic Association voted against the zoning change due largely to the net loss of single-family zoned parcels, which clashes with the Westwood Strategic Plan's goal of raising the neighborhood's housing stock to at least 60 percent owner-occupied.
Previous reading on BC:
Fifth and Race awakes with dunnhumby Centre groundbreaking (2/1/13)
Three development control districts extended nine months (9/24/12)
New station to bring CFD Engine 35 'into the current age' (7/26/12)