"As a first suburb of the City of Cincinnati, Norwood has leveraged its location to become a major destination for office and retail development," said Christopher Brown, the city's assistant law director. "These changes will further these efforts."
Specifically, the amendments:
- Eliminate parking minimums for single-family, office, and most commercial developments;
- Permit high-end residential uses in the Neighborhood Business (NBD), Office (O), General Business (GBD), and Central Business (CBD) zoning districts;
- Require building located in the NBD, O, GBD, and CBD zoning districts to be built closer to the street;
- Prohibit parking between the principal building and the sidewalk and street;
- Prohibit "undesirable" uses, such as pawn shops and check cashing businesses; and
- Implement design guidelines for commercial development that promote high-quality architecture and walkability.
Previous reading on BC:
Oakley gets its barricades (12/11/12)
City rezones for its portion of Xavier project (10/8/12)
Brent Spence concepts soon to be three; New system for Lateral (4/19/10)
SHP's Norwood office reflects company principles, leads to growth (5/19/09)
Norwood photos (8/18/08)