Thursday, September 27, 2012

Public nuisance hearing, 9/28/12

The City of Cincinnati's Director of Buildings and Inspections will hold a public hearing Friday at 9 A.M. in the Main Conference Room of the Building Development and Permit Center, 3300 Central Parkway, to determine if the following buildings should be declared a public nuisance and entered into the City's hazard abatement program:

And at 1 P.M., at the same location, these buildings will be evaluated for public nuisance status:
Anyone with pertinent information or evidence of any building's historic significance is encouraged to testify.

Previous reading on BC:
Public nuisance hearing, 8/31/12 (8/30/12)
Public nuisance hearing, 7/27/12 (7/26/12)
Public nuisance hearing, 6/29/12 (6/28/12)
Public nuisance hearing, 5/25/12 (5/24/12)
Public nuisance hearing, 3/30/12 (3/30/12)