Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Application period open for NBD grant program

The application period for Cincinnati's Neighborhood Business District Improvement Program (NBDIP) is now open.

NBDIP assists communities in improving their business districts by providing grants from City capital funds or Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding to pay for road or streetscape improvements, public parking facilities, façade improvements, property acquisition, building renovation, signage, or site-specific development plans.

Each of the 37 neighborhood business districts (NBD) recognized by Cincinnati Neighborhood Business Districts United (CNBDU), a citizen-led advisory group of neighborhood representatives, can submit one major and one minor project. Minor projects may not exceed $30,000 in cost.

Projects will be evaluated by CNBDU using criteria such as benefit to low- and moderate-income persons, NBD impact, job impact, businesses assisted, compatibility with existing community plans, community council and business association notification and support, realism of time frame and budget, project readiness, ability to leverage non-NBDIP funding, and organizational capacity.

CNBDU's recommendations will be sent to the Office of the City Manager in late October or early November, which will then present its recommendations for a vote by City Council in December.

A training session describing the application process will be held April 26 from 7 P.M. to 9 P.M. at the Fire Museum of Greater Cincinnati, 315 W Court Street. Pre-applications are due by June 15, with full applications due by 5 P.M. on August 5.

The City's Economic Development Division estimates that $1 million will be available in both City capital funding and CDBG funding for the 2013 NBDIP cycle.

Previous reading on BC:
Funding identified for three City projects (2/14/11)
Northside funding request would eliminate South Block blight (11/4/09)
Advance means St. Gregory streetscape can begin this spring (3/11/09)