Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Photos: Camp Washington and some odds and ends

The following photos were taken between New Year's Eve 2011 and mid-February 2012.

The majority were taken in February on a short tour to grab images for use on wayfinding signage along the Mill Creek Greenway Trail. The final six were taken during trips to the Cincinnati Art Museum, the Holy Grail, an OTR Flags painting session in Over-the-Rhine, to take photos for the Weil/Thoman Moving & Storage Co. website, and a trip to Mount Lookout Tavern.

These 25 photos have been added to the following galleries:

  • Camp Washington +19 (46 photos)
  • Over-the-Rhine +2 (522 photos)
  • Eden Park +1 (23 photos)
  • Mount Lookout +1 (37 photos)
  • South Fairmount +1 (54 photos)
Please click on each photo to enlarge to 800 x 600 resolution.

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1. Camp Washington. Camp Washington Chili, Hopple Street and Colerain Avenue.

2. Camp Washington. "Campy Washington" mural, Colerain Avenue.

3. Camp Washington. Elam Street.

4. Camp Washington. Colerain Avenue.

5. Camp Washington. Doughboy Statue (1923, J. Pauling), Valley Park, Colerain Avenue.

6. Camp Washington. Sidney Avenue.

7. Camp Washington. Bates Avenue.

8. Camp Washington. Bates Avenue.

9. Camp Washington. Sacred Heart Church, Marshall and Massachusetts avenues.

10. Camp Washington. Hilver's Catering, Colerain Avenue and Heywood Street.

11. Camp Washington. Colerain Avenue.

12. Camp Washington. Washington United Church of Christ, Sidney Avenue and Rachel Street.

13. Camp Washington. Sidney Avenue.

14. Camp Washington. Anchor Building, Spring Grove Avenue.

15. Camp Washington. Parking under the Hopple Street Viaduct, from Spring Grove Avenue.

16. Camp Washington. Derelict buildings, Hopple and Meeker streets.

17. Camp Washington. Same buildings, different angle.

18. Camp Washington. Avon Place.

19. Camp Washington. Robot, Jacobs Mechanical, Inc., Hopple and Meeker streets.

20. Eden Park. Cincinnati Art Museum.

21. Downtown. Fort Washington Way (I-71/U.S. 50) at Sunset.

22. Over-the-Rhine. Know Theatre's recently installed marquee, Jackson Street.

23. Over-the-Rhine. German inscription, Nast Trinity United Methodist Church, Race Street.

24. South Fairmount. Ghost sign, Queen City Avenue.

25. Mount Lookout. Mount Lookout Square, Linwood and Delta avenues.