Thursday, March 15, 2012

Cincinnati names new economic development director

Cincinnati City Manager Milton Dohoney has announced that Odis Jones will be the City's next Director of Economic Development, effective April 22.

Jones, who holds an MPA from Western Michigan University and a BS from Central Michigan University, is currently the Director of Urban Development for the New Jersey Economic Development Authority.

He has also served as president and CEO of the citywide, public-private Columbus Urban Growth Corporation; as City Administrator for Obetz, Ohio and Keokuk, Iowa; and handling special projects for the City Manager of Battle Creek, Michigan.

He is a public board member of the International Council of Shopping Centers and a member of the City/County Management Association, American Planning Association and the International Economic Development Council.

Jones fills the position of Interim Economic Development Director Patrick Ewing, who retired January 1 following nearly three years in the position and more than 19 years of public service.

Image provided.