The Port of Greater Cincinnati Development Authority (Port Authority), in conjunction with its partners Hamilton County and the City of Cincinnati, is now accepting funding requests (PDF) under its U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Brownfield Assessment Coalition Grant program.
The Port Authority has been awarded a $1 million Hazardous Substance and Petroleum Assessment Grant to assess properties whose redevelopment may be difficult due to existing or potential environmental contamination.
Five environmental consulting firms – ATA Associates, Inc.; KERAMIDA, Inc.; PANDEY Environmental, LLC; Soil and Materials Engineers, Inc.; and The Payne Firm, Inc. – have been engaged to develop Voluntary Action Program Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Assessments, Bureau of Underground Storage Tank Regulation Tier I and Tier II Environmental Site Investigations, and Remedial Action Plans.
Brownfield sites located within Hamilton County and owned by municipal corporations, non-profits, private developers, or private property owners are eligible to apply. Costs of demolition, remediation, or reimbursement for work performed is not eligible.
Highest consideration will be given to projects with a plan for economic redevelopment and the removal of any known or discovered contamination. Sites will also be evaluated for their inclusion in community master plans, completed redevelopment plans, location and proximity to existing infrastructure, and overall impact on the environment.
Applications will be accepted through July 2013, or until funds have been expended.
Previous reading on BC:
$627M in Clean Ohio-financed projects viewable in online map (3/3/11)
Ohio Dept of development launches new brownfield program (1/24/11)
Hilton Davis committee to travel to Columbus, pressure for cleanup (7/13/10)
Cincinnati seeks brownfields grant (6/10/10)
Samuel Adams expansion contingent on brownfields grant (6/8/10)
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Port, Hamilton Co, City accepting applications for brownfield cleanup grants
Posted by
Kevin LeMaster
1:00 PM