Newly-appointed Ohio Department of Transportation Director Jerry Wray will be the guest speaker at the annual meeting of Transportation MATTERS, tomorrow from 9:30 A.M. to 11 A.M. at the offices of the Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission, 111 Liberty St in Columbus.
The agenda will include the successes of the organization during 2010 and its plans for 2011. A new slate of officers will also be voted on by the full membership.
Non-members can join at the meeting and receive 25 percent off of their 2011 dues.
Transportation MATTERS was founded in October 2008 to create a unified voice to advocate for a full investment in all of Ohio's transportation modes, which it sees as the backbone of a strong economy.
Made up of Ohio cities, transit agencies, chambers of commerce, metropolitan planning commission, highway contractors, and transportation industry officials, the organization works to improve Ohio's transportation infrastructure through advocacy, partnerships, and education and outreach.
Cincinnati City Council passed a resolution of support for the organization's mission in February 2009.
Image courtesy of the Ohio Department of Transportation.
Previous reading on BC:
OKI director offers idea for transportation funding (9/2/09)
Cincinnati supports Transportation MATTERS (2/24/09)
Transportation task force wants your input (5/27/08)
Monday, January 31, 2011
New ODOT director Wray to speak before state advocacy group tomorrow
Posted by Kevin LeMaster at 11:00 AM