Three years ago:
- Cincinnati Habitat for Humanity and the University of Cincinnati announced they would partner on their third Avondale home at 3570 Haven Street.
- Building Cincinnati went to a three-column format, with an improved masthead and better access to the photo galleries.
- Cincinnati City Council was considering a resolution of support for a Clean Ohio Fund grant application that would help turn Camp Washington's Harrison Terminal Building into market-rate apartments.
- Planning for development on Cincinnati's hillsides was underway, according to a report from Cincinnati City Manager Milton Dohoney.
- Work was moving into the interiors of several houses along the 600 block of Saratoga Street in Newport, part of the 39-unit, scattered-site Liberty Homes public housing project.
- The Clifton Heights Improvement Association was asking residents to let Cincinnati City Council know if they preferred W Clifton Avenue or Vine Street for the Uptown streetcar connector.
- A blighted Madisonville house was razed.