Through January 5, public comment is being sought for LEED-ND, the nation's first rating system for assessing green neighborhood development.
The draft standard for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design for Neighborhood Development (LEED-ND) aims to create sustainable, smart, and compact neighborhoods by rating four criteria:
- Smart location and linkage
- Neighborhood pattern and design
- Green infrastructure and buildings
- Innovation and design process
"No building can be considered truly green unless it’s in a green urban neighborhood -- and the principles of traditional city and town design as promoted by the CNU are essential guidelines for creating and supporting these neighborhoods," says a summary posted on the CNU website.
A LEED-ND pilot program began in early 2007 and has enlisted 238 projects.
Balloting on the post-pilot LEED-ND rating system will take place in mid-2009, followed by a full launch.