Monday, December 1, 2008

Mallory nixes gaslight assessment, but idea still alive

Although Cincinnati mayor Mark Mallory's budget proposal did not include a gaslight assessment, Clifton residents remain vigilant and determined to make sure the idea doesn't resurface.

The draft 2009-2010 City budget, submitted to the mayor by city manager Milton Dohoney Jr, in mid-November, includes a proposal to charge property owners on gaslight streets $4 per linear foot of street frontage every three years.

The budget estimates that the assessment would bring the City an additional $400,000 in additional annual revenue.

The draft budget is now in City Council's Finance Committee, with public hearings scheduled for Cincinnati State at 6 PM on December 3 and for City Hall at 1 PM on December 8.

Clifton Town Meeting (CTM) has placed the item on its agenda for 7 PM this evening, with CTM secretary Gary Eby scheduled to make a short presentation.

A similar proposal to assess street frontage on gaslight streets was made last year, but was not implemented due to community opposition.

At that time, the CTM board passed a resolution opposing any tax on gaslight street property owners.

Previous reading on BC:
Clifton Town Meeting opposing proposed gaslight street tax (11/24/08)