Monday, October 15, 2007

A peek at the 2Q2007 Quality of Life Index

While it has not yet been posted online, the City has released the Quality of Life Index for the second quarter of 2007.

Here are how the numbers compare to both the first quarter of this year and the second quarter of 2006.

The Quality of Life Index was created by City Council to measure, on a quarterly basis, how the City handles city services and quality of life issues.

Part I crimes: 6,407 (-57%, -5%)
Part II crimes: 4,476 (+23%, -3%)
Felony assaults*: 162 (+78%, +161%)
Drug arrest evictions: 30 (-20%, n/a)

Noise citations: 180 (+125%, -8%)
Panhandling citations: 65 (+81%, +44%)
Graffiti citations: 208 (-1%, -37%)
Graffiti abated: 1,655 (+46%, +48%)
Litter citations: 1,835 (+165%, +4%)
Litter complaints resolved: 3,358 (+191%, +11%)
Abandoned cars removed: 455 (+8, +205%)

Building code inspections: 10,685 (+17%, +23%)
Building code orders: 2,084 (+79%, +135%)
Buildings demolished: 16 (-19%, -69%)
Buildings secured: 133 (0, -25%)
Building code cases closed: 1,016 (+5%, +28%)

Lane miles paved: 7.5 (n/a, -161%)
Street sweeping miles: 12,080 (+50%, -3%)
Potholes filled: 9,059 (-36%, -11%)

* With injuries, firearms used