Tuesday, October 16, 2007

CPA Fall Forum on Friday

The Cincinnati Preservation Association (CPA) will be holding its thirteenth annual Fall Forum on Friday, and the topic will be smart growth.

Robert Liberty, Metro Councilor of Portland, Oregon, will speak about his city's urban revitalization.

An attorney with 25 years experience in land use planning issues, Liberty served as a staff attorney and Executive Director for 1000 Friends of Oregon, the nation's oldest statewide Smart Growth advocacy organization. During that time, he also served as President and an officer for the Growth Management Leadership Alliance, an association of US and Canadian Smart Growth advocacy groups.

Liberty has degrees from the University of Oregon, Oxford University and Harvard Law School and was a Loeb Fellow at the Harvard Design School during the 2002-03 year.*

The event begins at noon in the Hall of Mirrors at the Hilton Cincinnati Netherland Plaza, Downtown.

Tickets for the luncheon and lecture are available through the CPA for $40 and can be purchased by phone at (513) 721-4506 or by e-mail at info@cincinnatipreservation.org.

* Background on Robert Liberty from the Metro website.