Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Mount Adams Pedestrian Path set for 2008

Plan aerial: Click to enlarge

The Mount Adams Pedestrian Path project is expected to break ground in February 2008.

The project's goal is to repair and rebuild the pedestrian connections between Holy Cross-Immaculata Church and Adams Crossing.

The upper portion of the project involves the rehabilitation of all 85 Guido Street steps. These are the infamous steps used by Roman Catholics to "pray the steps" every Good Friday.

The lower portion of the project will restore a stone archway and public plaza next to Adams Place. The historic stone arch, which was moved for construction, was put into storage in 1990. The foundation for the plaza is buried under overgrown weeds.

Sections from Celestial/Hill to the Columbia Parkway pedestrian overpass and from the overpass to the new plaza will also be improved.

In late June, the City voted unanimously to accept one-eighth acre from the Adams Place Condominium homeowners association and AP Parking Company, LLC, putting the entire project area under City control.

The project is expected to be completed by September 2008.

In April 2006, the Cincinnati Enquirer reported that costs were estimated at $1.5 million. A more current estimate is not available, as the project has not yet been put out to bid. Bids will be accepted later this fall.

Funding will come from City Department of Transportation and Engineering (DOTE) Steps and DOTE Gateway funds and federal ISTEA funds. DOTE has also applied for federal TCSP grant.

Thank you to Matthew Andrews, DOTE Project Architect, for the aerial and the photo.

The "Good Friday" stone arch: Click to enlarge