Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Link: The Legacy of Samuel Hannaford

Samuel Hannaford is one of the most prolific and well-know architects that Cincinnati ever produced. His work can be seen in Music Hall, City Hall, the Times Star Building (800 Broadway) and Memorial Hall.

But there are many lesser known works out in the neighborhoods. The Legacy of Samuel Hannaford, compiled by Betty Ann Smiddy, is an introduction to the man who is responsible for much of the built environment that we enjoy today. Smiddy has painstakingly put together the history behind his works, including those on which he collaborated--such as his early work with Anderson & Hannaford and his late work with Hannaford & Sons.

What the site lacks in flashiness it more than makes up for with substance.

Betty Ann Smiddy is a local historian and a published author. She is a past president of both the College Hill Historical Society and the College Hill Forum.