Sunday, April 8, 2007

Over-the-Rhine building news, 4/8/07

Some notes on a few buildings....

218 W Fourteenth St is supposed to be razed soon by the City. This two-family from the Civil War era has been falling apart for years and has been deemed hazardous. It was also a well-documented drug and prostitution hangout.

1925 Vine St, which I mentioned in my March 3 Urban Ohio post, is going into pre-prosecution hearings soon. At that point more will be known about demolition or rehab plans.

1621 Pleasant St has been declared a public nuisance. The windows are busted out, the mortar is cracking and the siding is in terrible shape. The building looks abandoned. Any work (demo or rehab) would have to go before the Historic Conservation Board, because this building is in a historic district.

1534 Republic St has gone into pre-prosecution. It's had the same owner for many years and has always been in poor condition. It's a burned-out shell.
(No photo, but, heading southbound, it's two houses down the east side of Republic St from Liberty St.)

1618 Pleasant St is heading to pre-prosecution after being condemned in February. There is a new owner, but no plans have been made regarding the building's status. This is shoddy infill housing from the 1920s, purchased last December for $1,600. It needs a ton of work. I usually grieve when a building is torn down in OTR. This one would be an exception.