Thursday, April 30, 2009

OKI releases 2008 annual report

The Ohio-Kentucky-Indiana Regional Council of Governments (OKI) continues to build local collaborations and bridge interests, according to its recently-released 2008 annual report.

Calling OKI "a shining beacon guiding the Tri-State region toward excellence", board president Steve Pendery lists as examples:

  • Adoption of the I-471 Corridor Study in October
  • Development of the OKI Fiscal Impact Analysis Model, which provides local decision makers with information on the implications of land use change
  • The OKI Freight Working Group, which advocated for funding to move freight from highways to rail
  • Completion of the Intelligent Transportation Systems Architecture and Plan, which studies traffic demand and the costs and benefits of proposed transit and roadway projects
  • The enactment of the Great Miami Drinking Water Protection Project, which received a National Planning Achievement Award for Hard-Won Victory from the American Planning Association
The 26-page report also covers the agency's bicycle and pedestrian programs, urban transportation enhancements, online GIS mapping, clean air and greenspace initiatives, public participation, and strategic planning processes.

OKI reports a 2008 operating budget of $6,111,253, with an operating surplus of $26,652.

Revenue sources included 83.3 percent from the State of Ohio, 10.6 percent from local governments, 5.5 percent from "other" sources, and 0.6 percent from the federal government.