Tuesday, January 27, 2009

West Price Hill property offered to City for new District 3 police station

Three vacant properties in West Price Hill have been offered to the City of Cincinnati for a new District 3 station for the Cincinnati Police Department, if the City chooses to buy them.

The properties, consisting of 1.6 acres north of the intersection of Glenway, Quebec, and Warsaw avenues, is owned by Heritage Community Church and includes the 1912 Plymouth Church building.

Earlier this month, church trustees approved a motion to place the Plymouth Church up for auction.

A report from city manager Milton Dohoney Jr. is due before city council by February 19.

Price Hill residents and community groups have long complained that the current District 3 police station at 945 Hawthorne Avenue is outdated and lacks adequate parking.

Last June, East Price Hill Improvement Association president Michael Wigle made his latest pitch for the City purchase the adjacent Whittier School site, which became available when Cincinnati Public Schools demolished the facility following the 2005-2006 school year.

The City has repeatedly said that it will not purchase the site, but will work with the community on its redevelopment.

Previous reading on BC:
EPHIA to City: Buy Whittier site ASAP (6/18/08)
City will not help purchase Whittier site (11/21/07)
East Price Hill wants Whittier, new police station (10/18/07)