Friday, August 22, 2008

Inside Harkavy Hall

Harkavy Hall, a Tender Mercies building at 24 W 12th Street in Over-the-Rhine, is in the midst of a $4 million rehabilitation project that will increase the building's usable space, add all new mechanicals (including air conditioning), and bring the building up to code and ADA compliance by installing two new sets of fireproof stairs and a new elevator.

All of these improvements will make life better for residents of the building's 30 single-room occupancy units.

The historic façade, which has been covered up for at least 50 years, will be restored, and a new courtyard will be built on the west side of the building.

The project is targeted for a May 2009 completion date.

On August 8, Tender Mercies CEO Bren Blaine and Roger Robinson of Avila Architects treated me to a tour of the construction site.

Demolition is largely completed, with the mechanicals having been stripped, some walls removed, and much of the plaster now gone.

Several back windows have been removed to allow for doorways to be cut for a new staircase, and several more have recently been sealed.

Some of the floors are unfinished due to warped joists.

The tour starts on the first floor and moves up to the third floor, then to an attic that is currently being used as a construction office.

The tour concludes with some shots of the basement, dirt floors and all. (No, those are not graves.)

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This slideshow contains 92 photos.

Previous reading on BC:
Tender Mercies CEO touts benefits of Harkavy rehab (5/15/08)
Tender Mercies to rehab Harkavy Hall (8/15/07)