Thursday, April 3, 2008

Council: Find $300,000

Cincinnati City Council has approved a motion directing the City administration to find $300,000 for two projects, and has offered suggestions from where the money should come.

The funding would be split equally between paving the City-owned parcel at Glenway and Dewey avenues (BIRD'S EYE) for a parking lot for a new location of Goodies BBQ Restaurant, and completing the Mount Adams streetscape project.

Council's Finance Committee has recommended "finding" the money from the following surplus project accounts:

* CBD Pedestrian and Parking Lot Signage '04: $50,000.00
* CBD Pedestrian and Parking Lot Signage '05: $45,224.00
* CBD Pedestrian and Parking Lot Signage '03: $44,911.11
* CBD Pedestrian and Parking Lot Signage '07: $44,755.04
* Skywalk Improvements '05:                                   $38,558.85
* CBD Pedestrian and Parking Lot Signage '06: $37,443.45
* CBD Pedestrian and Parking Lot Signage '08: $25,000.00
* CBD Pedestrian and Parking Lot Signage '06: $  9,864.89
* Spot Infrastructure Replacement '07:                  $  4,242.66