Thursday, February 15, 2007

Over-the-Rhine: Model Management action

Model Management is currently rehabbing 1528 Pleasant St. I can't find a good photo of it, but it's a turn-of-the-century brick multi-family.

They've also started on 1537 Pleasant St. The plan is by Wichman Gunther Architects and I believe there will be three apartment units.

They are working on 1714 Republic St/1713 Vine St as well. This is a former Downtown Property Management property that needs a lot of work.

1700 and 1706 Logan St are also seeing work.
(1700 and 1706 Logan)

None of these buildings were in condemnable shape. So this seems like a continuation of the effort Model is putting into keeping up its investments.

All of these rehabs are likely affordable rentals.